Immigration Act in English
ACT 48 OF 1920
(November 3) Official Gazette No. 17.392 and 17.393 of November 3, 1920
Effective Notes Summary EFFECTIVE NOTES: - Amended by Act 2 of 1936, published in Official Gazette No. 23,095 of January 28, 1936, "By which fixed consular rights, establishing the system of charging them and repealing certain legal provisions. "
SECTION ONE. Admission of Foreigners.
ARTICLE 1. The territory of Colombia is open to all foreigners, with the exceptions that are made by this Law ARTICLE 2. The foreigner arriving in Colombia, has the obligation to present on arrival, if this is efectuare by one of the maritime and river ports, Customs employees and Health, the passport clearly stating their identity, and state whether you have the intention to stay in Colombia and what is the trade or occupation they will pursue. If cometh one of the border towns with a bordering nation, filled once these formalities before the first policy of the local authority.
From this we raise a record, which in and duly authenticated copy shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Government. PARAGRAPH. Excepted from the rule contained in the preceding article sutlers, ie traders in foodstuffs that make border trade, farmers often need to pass the line, the
priests, doctors, engineers and lawyers to whom the duties of his profession require them to move from one to another neighboring Republic. ARTICLE 3. Any foreigner who enters Colombia should be provided with a passport issued by the Agent
Consulate of the Republic at the port of embarkation or at the most next, or the friend of a Nation, if not any of Colombia, which is scored on the applicant: a) name and surname; b) B) Age and sex; c) Place of birth, nationality or last residence; d) Trade or profession; e) Degree of instruction; f) status; g) Purpose of your trip to Colombia; h) Status of Health; i) Filiation; j) Certifications of good behavior.
ARTICLE 4. To extend the passport the consular agent, or his substitute, shall have to visit the health certificate issued by competent medical, behavioral and issued by an individual or entity with moral authority to certify.
PARAGRAPH. - No need passports Diplomats and Consular Agents, and their retinues.
ARTICLE 5. The passports issued in favor of immigrants who meet the conditions of this Act not cause any kind right in the office where it is issued.
In each Customs maritime, river or land, and in the office of the former policy that scored the foreigners entering that place by the Republic.
ARTICLE 6o. The health doctor visit Port regulatory practiced individuals wishing land and to give a permit will be restricted to the provisions of this Act if each any one or some who are falling within the exceptions provided by this act, give notice immediately to the Customs Officer and together we brought to the knowledge of the Captain, denying permission for landing.
Inadmissibility of aliens.
ARTICLE the 7th. Not allowed to enter the territory of the Republic to foreigners who are in some of the following cases:
a) People who suffer from serious illnesses, chronic or contagious, such as tuberculosis, leprosy, trachoma (and similar diseases not subject to quarantine).
Those who are afflicted with acute, severe and contagious diseases, such as eruptive fevers, etc.., Will admitted to quarantine sick being in charge of the expenses for their attendance.
b) For those who suffer from Mental alienation, it also comprises dementia, mania, paralysis Overall, the chronic alcoholics, the ataxic, the epileptic, the idiots, the morons, the maimed to those whose injury prevents work.
In the event that some immigrant families, some member of it falls within the prohibition of this subsection, the relevant authority may permit entry provided that the other members of the family are healthy and useful.
Also be excluded from the provisions of this subsection foreigners living in Colombia who having been absent return to the country within a period not exceeding three years;
c) A professional beggars, the lazy, those who do not have an honorable profession or occupation that allows them to earn their livelihood, those who traffic in prostitution;
d) Those who advise, ensanen or proclaim the ignorance of the authorities of the Republic or its laws,
or the overthrow by force and violence of his government, anarchists and communists who violate against the right of property; e) To those who have been sentenced for crimes infamous reveal great moral perversion, it being understood so-called political crimes do not fall within this exception, when in the judgment, if doubt the Supreme Court, should be considered as such, whatever the label that they of in the country where they were committed; debiendose proceed in this case according to what was stipulated in existing public treaties.
Matches Decree 397 1937 SECTION THREE. Expulsion of aliens. ARTICLE 8. They may be expelled from the country by executive decree and after the
formation of a supporting record, foreigners who are in any of the following conditions:
a) that after the enactment of this Act have entered the country without completing the formalities prescribed in thereof;
b). Those who having entered before the enactment of this Act and resided in the country, advise, teach or proclaim the ignorance of the authorities of the Republic, or its laws, or the overthrow of his government by force and violence, or the practice of doctrines subversive of social public order, such as anarchy, or communism, that violates property rights;
c). Those who by their vicious habits or relapses in the crime, proving incorrigible moral depravity;
d). Those who, having been filed in a public treaty and applicable law, leave this place without authorization of the Government, may not in this case be sent to the country that has applied for internment;
e). Those who violate the neutrality that are bound, ingiriendose in Colombia's internal politics, either by through the press, writing or writing political newspapers on matters of this kind, or by the word, Colombian political speeches about, or joining political societies.
Article 9o. <Article Paragrafo repealed by Article 6 of Act 2 of 1936>
Effective Notes - Paragrafo Article repealed by Article 6 of Act 2 of 1936, published in Official Gazette No. 23,095 of January 28, 1936 Previous Legislation Original text of Law 48 of 1920: Article 9o. The declaration of expulsion will be made by Government decree endorsed by the Minister of Government, to be published in the Official Journal.
Given in Bogota to October 30 of 1920. The President of the Senate,
The Speaker of the House of Representatives,
The Secretary of the Senate,
The Secretary of the House of Representatives,
Executive. Bogota, November 3, 1920 Published and executed
The Minister of Government,